Friday, July 25, 2014

Francis Howell is NOT RACIST!!!!

Please let's not get it twisted....these receiving districts like U City, Kirkwood, Melville and Parkway are only accepting transfer students because of the extra cash flow...NOT because they're doing the right thing. Don't believe that crap about... "Ohhhh,  the U City Board did the right thing and reversed their previous decision to send 80 kids back to Normandy." No, instead they came to their senses about that additional $640,000 in revenue" (If they accept the reduced rate...last year they made close to $1,000,000 in additional revenue).  Kirkwood or Melville aren't even reducing the transfer rate. And don't think that they can't use the money. Every school system needs money. That little pocket change can pay for additional programs, teachers or instruments. Thank you Francis Howell...I don't think you're racist, I believe that you believe that taking money from a community full of poverty to benefit a very affluent school district is robbery: morally and economically.

I know...some Normandy parents (tax payers) might say, "Well, I would rather have my tax dollars going to a school system that works." But what you aren't seeing is that the school system in Francis Howell is not on doesn't work on it's own merit. Those parents completely and totally oversee their investment. That doesn't mean that they are at the schools policing and nit-picking. It doesn't necessarily mean that they're coming out to every PTSO, sports or drama event.

It does mean that they are sending children to school who aren't worn out mentally and spiritually before they get there. They aren't sending students who worry about bills. They aren't sending kids who spent the previous night running from mama's boyfriend or fanning weed smoke from their closed bedroom doors while trying to study. They aren't sending kids wondering if their ride is going to get up on time to drop them off. They aren't sending young minds worried about stinking the next day because their clothes haven't been washed in a week. They aren't sending kids who are seriously hungry and have to stop by the local candy shop to buy hot fries and grape soda to fill their bellies before that 8am Algebra exam.

AND I AM, IN NO WAY saying that they are perfect "out in the Howell." I'm sure they have many of the same struggles that we have here in the Normandy community. But they're not as vast. I don't seek to offend anyone or LUMP all the parents into one category. But after 8 years as an educator at the middle and high schools, I can only base my opinions on what I have experienced.

I'm not begging parents and guardians to come out to everything...I'm just asking that you make sure your child isn't broken before they get to school. The main reason why we struggle academically is not because our students or teachers are incapable. It's because we have to spend quality instructional time picking up and gluing together broken students before we can begin to teach and they can begin to learn. And let me tell you, after years of attempting to glue together broken pieces, some teachers and administrators become bitter and discouraged. That doesn't make them incompetent...and you may say, "you're getting paid, do your job and work with what you have!" Well therein lies the misconception!!!!

This is a partnership....the molding of our children in the Normandy community is a partnership!!! SO for the parents and guardians of the 400 students who aren't going back to Francis Howell. Let's get our partnership on the right page this year. Let's make a concerted effort to keep your child glued together mentally and physically so the teachers can do their life's passion and teach.
Things are changing for the positive at our schools this upcoming year. Take advantage of this "change" by rekindling your partnerships with teachers and recommitting yourselves to the academic and social edification of our schools.

Thank you FRANCIS HOWELL for the tough love...

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