Saturday, September 6, 2014

Normandy Students Receive More Verbal Abuse from the Media: STAR PARKER OF CURE ADDS TO THE DISEASE!!!!

I'll get right to the point. Star Parker of CURE Center for Urban Renewal, has done everything but CURE the mental welfare of the students of the Normandy Schools Collaborative. Her recent OP-ED Article entitled, "Who Has Answers for Ferguson?: Meet Howard Fuller," has a statement that is not only inaccurate, but sends a tormenting and deafening blow to the current and former students of Normandy. She is speaking of Michael Brown and referencing the schools' highly publicized lowest performing score received during a year in which the idea of "school" was an afterthought. A year in which many students didn't even know if they were going to graduate from their school; a year in which many students who stayed, had to endure the constant influx of media, editorials, google alerts...; a year in which a school was closed and many teachers lost their jobs and students lost their surrogate parents (the role taken on my many teachers). A year in which students had to listen to Francis Howell parents basically call them savages and animals; a year in which "systems" were not in place because there was no foundation. Star Parker makes it bold and plain in the article that, "MICHAEL BROWN PUT ON A CAP AND GOWN AND RECEIVED A HIGH SCHOOL DEGREE NOT WORTH THE VALUE OF THE PAPER IT WAS PRINTED ON." That is what she said.
Many adjectives are rolling in my head trying to make a path through my arms and to my finger tips as I type this "thought." So I'll try moving in another direction. What is the value of any high school "diploma" (degrees are earned post high school sweety), without the efforts from a student? Does it really just all come down to the worth of the student? What did he or she put into the experience? What will he or she do with the experience? Since starting at Normandy High School in 2009, I have seen students move on to colleges and universities around the country. Yet they got a diploma that wasn't worth "shit!" (paraphrasing, but that's what she meant to say). Some of these students are entering law and medical schools. I currently have several students at Morehouse, one on a full Presdential Scholarship for Vocal Music...My choir students who went to Carnegie Hall last year...all got the same worthless "degrees" from Normandy and are ALL in 4 year colleges with dorm pics to boast.
But lets get back to who you were referencing. Michael Brown. A young man who just lost his LIFE, who's parents are still grieving...who's teacher's are still grieving...who's classmates are still grieving...AND STAR PARKER makes a bold, insensitive, misrepresented and UNCLE TOMISH RACIST statement to make what point? What point were you trying to make? Oh Yeah...that Black families in low income communities need options for their vouchers for private school, so they won't obtain worthless "degrees" (still have to use the quotes,,,DIPLOMA).
When will the REAL argument become that schools in low income communities should be provided with the same resources and professional development that schools in middle to high income communities have...when will the REAL articles be written about the fact that Normandy's failure does not originate in it's schools....but in it's community...a community that was once all WHITE and propsperous and became all Black and desolate...ALL BLACK ...move General Motors to Wentzville,,,ALL BLACK, close every factory within a 10 mile radius....ALL BLACK, no new development except for DISCOUNT STORES. The Woolworth closed back in the early 80's and that lot still sits undeveloped. That, my friends is intentional!
The REAL argument should be what CITY PLANNING should really look like in predominantly BLACK communities. The Real argument should be HOW can we get these parents some decent jobs with decent pay. The Real argument should be WHEN are Black folk going to STOP writing and saying things that are damaging to our children on so many different levels.
Yes, STAR PARKER...I didn't know anything about this article until my former student, who just went off to college, text me and asked how did she get into her univeristy if her "degree" was worthless? She shoudn't even be thinking about that...she should be enjoying the beginnings of her next path...yet, she still has to deal with another BLOW from the media....and from a SISTA!!! Damn, people will say anything to get a freakin' BYLINE....THAT'S CALLED "SELLING OUT." Check out Star's editorial in the opinion section of 5.

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